
Wednesday, 25 September 2019

Physical Education - Gymnastic Sequences

In P.E, we've been learning gymnastic sequences.
Below are three sequences I've attempted. The beam, floor, and trampoline. The beam sequence needed to have four dip walks, a cat leap, a pivot turn, and a tuck jump dismount. The floor sequence needed a forward roll, a half turn, a backward roll, and a cartwheel. And the trampoline sequence needed 10 controlled bounces, a seat drop, a half turn, a tuck jump, another half turn, and another seat drop.

I've definitely got a lot of things to work on such as completing the sequences without any stops in the middle, improving my cat leap because that was a pretty pathetic 'leap', and getting a higher bounce for the tuck jump. I think I did my cartwheel quite well considering I haven't done one in yonks.

Thursday, 12 September 2019

Pad Thai - Home Economics

The practical on Friday was to make Pad Thai.

Skills with the team
We all pitched in an helped make the Pad Thai, we did almost mess up... badly, but we saved the dish.
Next time we need to keep an eye on the recipe steps to make sure everything we're doing when we're doing it is right.  
Time management
I think we did a great job with this lesson because we had plenty of time, in the end, to eat our meal before the lesson was over.
My teammates said it was quite sweet and we all think the peanuts should've been softened, maybe?
Taste, Texture, Colour
Our dish was sort of sweet, but it still tasted good. It was a nice creamy colour. Although in the pictures it looks quite sloppy, it really wasn't.
Next step for own learning
I should definitely help out with a few tasks and keep an eye on the recipe next time we have a practical.

Tuesday, 10 September 2019

Land Yacht - Science

Land Yacht

To build the fastest land yacht. 

-Create the paper sail out of 1m paper roll
-Tape cardboard triangles to the sides of the metal rod
-Tape 1m paper roll to cardboard triangles
-Set sail!
Equipment List:
-1m paper roll
-2m tape
-Cardboard square
-Metal Rod

We searched up photos of what Land Yachts look like so we had an idea of what we were going to build for tomorrow's lesson.

Drawn Plan:

(ignore the doodles)


V = d / t
= 0.21
Our land yacht went 2 metres in 9.41 seconds (to work out the velocity you need to divide the distance by the time). Our land yacht for the first few seconds was going reasonably fast but then it slowed down.

We should have definitely gone closer to the starting line while using the leafblower because if we did it might have gone a bit longer before it fell over. It was alright though, I didn't even think it would go 2m. It was fun making it and fun driving it too.

Monday, 9 September 2019

Essay Planning - English - CoBaB

Describe a relationship between 2 or more characters in the text. Explain how this relationship helped you to understand at least 1 of the characters.

My group chose the relationship between Mama Agba and Zélie. It helped us to understand Zélie.
We know now that Zélie needs people for support, she's a learner, and thanks to Mama Agba, she's strong physically and mentally.

Thursday, 5 September 2019

Home Economics - Pizza

The practical on Friday was to make Pizza!

Skills with the team
I think we all did really well making our mini pizzas. They turned out quite good if I do say so myself.
I think next time we should spread the toppings around a little bit better, just to 'fancy it up'. This lesson went really well, I can't think of anything else.
Time Management
Okay... this lesson was crazy. The whole class finished at record time! Due to our teacher forgetting it was Friday and thinking it was Wednesday, we finished fifteen minutes early! I'd say the whole class managed their time well.
This period, I don't think we received much feedback? I could be wrong but I just don't recall getting feedback.
Taste, Texture, Colour
As always, delicious. It balanced itself out. The toppings made it taste juicy, while the yoghurt and flour crust was crisp and as all pizza crusts are, fluffy on the inside. As you can see, the colour of the two on the side are looking a little dark and crispy, so we could have kept an eye on that and turned them in the oven. But nonetheless, they were yum.
Improvements or modifications that can be made
I can't think of any. We had a bunch of choices to pick for our toppings, the yoghurt and flour pizza dough was so good. You couldn't tell the difference from a regular dough.
Next step for own learning
I think next time I'll make sure to help with certain steps in the recipe because I could tell my teammates were struggling a little but I was too focused on another step.

Wednesday, 4 September 2019

Essay Planning Continued - CoBaB (Children of Blood and Bone)

Essay Planning 

The incident of the festival helped me to understand the idea that violence is wrong and ineffective (in most cases) because usually, it doesn't help the situation at all- it only makes the situation worse. We see this when the narrator writes, 'Please-" Zu steps forward. "Don't move!" the commander shouts back, pulling out his sword. "Search us if you must," Zu responds. "We will agree to an examination. But please, lower your weapons." She raises her hands in surrender. "I don't want anyone to get hur-" It happens so fast. Too fast. One moment Zu stands. The next, an arrow pierces through her gut.'

For absolutely no reason- they shot an arrow through Zulaikha's stomach for no reason at all. She was raising her arms in surrender, she was just a child, what could a girl of her age do to an army of fully grown adults armed with many weapons. Even her magic couldn't do much harm. They didn't stop there either. The continued to slaughter men, women, and children. War was caused by the guard's hands'- a war that didn't need to take place. A war the guards could've prevented.

Furthermore, the incident of the festival helped me to understand the idea that violence is wrong and ineffective (in most cases) because it is! It is so wrong, so many people died and so many people were angered. We see this when the narrator writes, 'He punches his fist forward. Streams of fire crash through the settlement in smouldering waves. The flames incinerate everything in their path, blazing through the guards, destroying the camp. The stench of burning flesh fills the air, mixed with the scent of blood. Death strikes so quickly, soldiers don't even have a chance to scream.'

Kwame was so angered at the fact that so many of his people were murdered by the guards. He used blood magic to try to stop them but his sacrifice only stalled the massacre and Zélie was still taken.

Monday, 2 September 2019

English - Children of Blood and Bone - Most Important

What is going to be my 'key event'?
My key event is going to be the solstice, we think the solstice is what the story was building up to and what was going to determine whether or not magic could be brought back so therefore, the solstice is the most important event in our opinion.

Who is going to be my 'important character'?
My important character is going to be Amari. We chose her because we think she was the one who had the most drastic change and who would be the best to study.

What are 3 ways the character changed as a result of this event?
My character changed from being weak to strong.
My character changed from being a kosidán to maji.
My character changed from being vulnerable and scared to accepting her inner Lionaire.