
Sunday, 18 August 2019

Home Economics - Friday Cooking Lesson #1

Jam Drops

In Home Economics, we have been learning about the New Zealand food culture history. These include a lot of staple foods such as scones, and our latest challenge in the kitchen, jam drops.
On Friday, a few of my group members weren't here. So another group joined ours and we made a group of four.

The practical/task was to make Jam Drops! Basically just a biscuit with jam in the middle. Sounds easy, right? Not so much.
We found a few struggles on the way, for example, putting the batter together. You had to make sure everything was just right. The butter had to be softened, but not melted- which is what we did. We accidentally melted it. You had to fold and push as you blended the batter, not mix. Make sure the biscuits are equally separated on the tray otherwise they could bake and stick together or fall over the edge. And jam! Oh, the jam. Too much jam and it would overflow or sink through the middle. All sorts of challenges along the way, but in the end, we made them and they were delicious.

They were! They were yum. We tested one and broke it in half afterwards and it broke quite evenly might I add. The colour could have been a bit darker because they were pale when we took them out. But other than that, they turned out really nice.

Feedback from our teacher and our teammates- they could have been left in the oven a little longer. As I said before they were quite pale, not exactly the dark golden we were hoping for.

A lot of improvements could be made while making our jam drops, but I guess that's for the next time we make them.

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