What is Resilience
In Health we've been learning about Resilience. We learned about what it means in general and what it means to us. I learned that Resilience means to get back up again if you've been knocked down and not let anything get to you. Not to let a bad situation mess up your day. Resilience is important because if you don't use it you won't try your hardest, and if you don't do that you won't get anywhere in life.
A way I could use resilience in my own life is if I absolutely can not do something, say to myself I can do it and try my best. Below is a link to the video of 'Who Moved My Cheese?' It's the video we watched to learn what resilience means and how we could use it.
Who Moved My Cheese?
Another thing we've been learning about is relaxation. We learned that you should take time to yourself and relax every now and then. It's important to relax because if you don't you'll be stressed and tense all of the time and that isn't very good for your health.
A way I could use it in my life is if I come home from a bad day at school and feel stressed and angry, I -personally- can sit down and relax by watching Netflix or YouTube and having a cold drink and a snack. Anger is another thing, relaxation helps you calm down, a few ways some people relax is going for a run or exercising, some people do yoga or Zumba, there are many ways for you to calm down.
Also if you are relaxed you become more aware of your senses and are able to bounce back easier.
Below is something I wrote, we had to become more aware of our senses:
I can see all of the colours lighting up my Chromebook,
I can see everyone working away,
I can see all of the colours on the walls from all of the posters,
I can hear my teacher playing wave music in the background,
I can hear everyone murmuring about their work,
I can hear everyone tapping away at their Chromebooks,
I can feel my fingers gliding against the keys of my Chromebook,
I can feel the cold table under the palm of my hands,
I can feel the carpet scratching beneath my shoes.
Body Clues/Cues
Body clues tell a lot about one person. If you've got sweaty palms, you have butterflies in your stomach or your heart rate speeds up you, that could mean you're nervous. If you are feeling tense and built up, or if your chest feels like it's tightening, that could mean you're angry. If you're smiling and have a lot of energy, or if you're jumping around, that could mean you're happy or excited. How you feel emotionally. Body clues also tell if someone is listening or not. If the person is nodding and concentrating on you and what you are saying, they're listening. But if they are looking around the room and not paying attention to you, they probably aren't.
Having different emotions are important otherwise you'll be the same, boring old person forever. Also, listening to people is very important. You need to listen to people and respect them if you want them to respect you.
Below are drawings of some emotions I drew.
Angry, Worried, Nervous.
Happy, Sad, Scared.
Sick, Embarrassed, Silly.
We have also been learning about empathy. We learned about the difference between empathy and sympathy. Sympathy is when you pity someone or feel bad for them, but empathy is when you know what someone is feeling and you've been through what they have. It's important to show empathy because if you don't, people in the world feel alone and that can lead to much worse things. I've used empathy in my life before. It was when my friend had lost her dog, and I knew how she felt because one of my cats had died when I was little, and my other one ran away.
We also had to find a video on empathy and the one in the link below is the one I chose.
Conflict Styles
People have different conflict styles (style meaning reducing), you can show the opposite person you care, choosing your battles meaning you can choose what arguments to join in on, communicating meaning you listen to them and they listen to you, creating consequences, so if you argue you can warn yourself not to by accepting the consequences, and respecting their opinions meaning if you two are arguing about something, accept what they said and let them finish and hopefully they'll do the same for you. Also look them in the eye and nod, showing you are listening to what they said. Talk in a confident voice and talk about fun things. Pay attention to when you aren't talking and when you are. Ask them how their day is, and what they did over the weekend. Pay attention to them and don't interrupt them. Wait until they've finished and then add in what you have to say. Speak slowly, clearly and with a calm voice. Respect their opinion even in you don't agree with it. And NEVER assume or ask questions!
Reducing conflict is important because if you don't, everyone will be fighting all of the time and relationships will be ruined. I could use this skill in my life when myself and someone else get into a disagreement.
We learned a lot on Resilience in Health lately, and it was fun learning all of this new information.