
Thursday, 31 May 2018

100 Word Challenge - English

Drama Queen

She sat on her seat silently… for once. But not for long. “Oh my God!” She shrieked so loudly I think I went deaf. “What is it Nicole?” I asked. “Lily told Milly, that Cora, told Aiden and Caden, that Tate cheated on Kate!” She worried. What? “I didn’t catch ANY of that Nick.” I laughed. She rolled her eyes. “Of course you didn’t, you never listen, I told you the cat pooped on the mat, you needed to clean it up, but you didn’t want to go near that. The cat also dragged in a dead rat!" Whoops. Dang.

Tuesday, 22 May 2018

Short Story - Engllish - Show, Don't Tell

Creative Writing

I sat on my bed watching my shows, as my roommate played games in the living room with her friends. I heard them laughing. "I dare you to drink a mixture of different fizzy." They laughed. "Easy." I heard a deep voice chuckle. Suddenly the house shook. "O.M.G, EARTHQUAKE!" A girl shrieked. There were things falling around my room. My mirror dropped to the floor and shattered, I squealed and ran out to the living room. I looked out the window and saw houses being lifted by some force, being ripped out of the ground and floated to the sky. "O.M.G WHAT'S HAPPENING?!" The same girl screamed. "Shush!" I said. "Stop panicking!" I looked back out the window and saw pipes and wires sticking out of the ground, there was rubble and debris everywhere. "Oh my goodness."

"What do we do?" The deep voice asked. "How should I know?" I said. The powerlines were all pulled down and the destruction looked horrible. I looked up and saw the whole neighbourhood and further flying in the air. Suddenly there was a loud rumble above us. I looked out of the window and saw a plane zooming downwards. "OH, MY GOD!" I screamed. the plane hurtled towards the ground and crashed. It exploded. We all screamed. "H- How many people were- were on that thing?" My roommate stuttered.

Suddenly a bug flew up through the sink followed by two more. They landed on the table and a huge hologram appeared above them. There were men and woman sitting at a long table. "Greetings. We are coming to you live from the white house." A man said. "What the heck is going on? Why is this happening? Are you the cause?" I said. "Listen, listen, the reason this is happening is because an experiment we were working on has gone wrong and has caused things in the air to shoot downwards and things on the ground to dart upwards. We are working on it, and promise to have you all down soon. Every house up in the air is getting this message. Again, our apologies." And with that, the bugs flew back out through the sink. "They don't even sound sorry. Do they know how much it'll cost to get these houses fixed?" A guy said. "Forget about that! Did we all forget about that plane that just exploded?!" I said. I looked back down through the window and saw the ash and fire surrounding the planes remaining parts. "Are we going to be up here forever?" My roommate asked.

"I have no idea."


Friday, 11 May 2018

Matariki - Drama 2018 Term 2


What is Matariki?

Matariki is the Maori new year. It's also the Maori name for a group of seven stars/seven sisters. The names of the stars are Ururangi, Tupua-rangi, Tupua-nuku, Waita, Waiti, Matariki, and Wai-puna-rangi. Some people think that Matariki is the mother star and the other six are the daughters. Others think that Matariki are Tawhirimatea's (the god of wind) eyes. When Papatuanuku (earth mother) and Ranginui (sky father) were separated Tawhirimatea became angry and tore out his eyes throwing them up to the heavens. 
Matariki also means two things, Mata-Riki meaning tiny eyes, and Mata-Ariki meaning eyes of God.

Matariki is usually celebrated on the last few days of May. Some celebrate it the day the moon rises and some the day after. Celebrations can last up to three days.

Aotearoa - Stan Walker - ft, Ria Hall, Troy Kingi, Maisey Rika 

This song, Aotearoa, is sung by the artists above. Stan Walker decided to release his first song completely in Maori to celebrate the Maori Language Week. I like this song because it's in Maori and I have Maori in me so it's a special song in my opinion. I like the music video too because people from all over Aotearoa are working together to spell out the word Aotearoa on the beach. 

Some lyrics from the song-

Nō tawhiti, nō tata
Nō te whenua o te Atua tātou
Ahakoa nō hea mai koe
Ka whawhai tonu mātou mōu

No matter if you're near or far
We come from the land of God
No matter where you belong
We fight for your freedom.